Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Things I Hate About My XBox 360

In the interest of equal time, today I'll explain a few of things that I really don't like about the XBox 360.

  • Red Ring of Doom - This is the most common complaint you'll hear about and it is the one that bugs me the most. You've heard all the arguments before about how a console costing this much shouldn't break this often. Though, I really think that regardless of the price it should break so often. I'm on my third 360 right now. First one got the RROD, second one got very loud and sounds like a jet engine. Then two days ago, I come home and get the dreaded RROD again. I power-cycled the XBox and it has been working fine, but I know it is only a matter of time.
  • Microsoft Points - It isn't that I mind paying for downloadable content, because I don't. What I do mind is the fact that Microsoft thought they could get all cute and make 79 points cost $1.00. On the Wii, 100 points = $1.00 and that's math that makes sense. The XBox route is just to make it look like you're getting a better deal when you buy an XBLA game or something.
  • 20 GB Hard Drive - Yes, I know the solution to this is to get an Elite, but I've got an older HDTV that has a DVI input, not HDMI so the Elite has nothing I want except the bigger hard drive. As I've mentioned, I've got more than an entire season's worth of South Park downloaded. That and a couple of demos and my hard drive is full. I'd gladly buy a bigger drive, but $200 for 120GB? Forget that.


Anonymous said...

You must be out of your goddamned mind!!! I have all three systems and my ps3 sits on the entertainment system collecting dust. The games are choppy and the online service sucks, XBOX and Wii are much better systems and the gaming industry is abandoning sony over ps3 and other sony proprietary software reasons. Take my advice wait 5,6 years for ps4 when they fix all the bugs.

Rob said...

Ok, I'll bite. I've got all three systems now, so I'm fully qualified to answer this. First, to be fair, I do play my 360 more than the other two combined. But to say the PS3 games are choppy is just a flat out lie. Every game I've played as looked fantastic. Although I do have complaints about not including 1080i support in all games on the PS3. The online service is not as good as XBox Live to be sure, but it doesn't suck, either. And finally, I've seen no evidence of the gaming industry abandoning the PS3. There are still plenty of games coming out and it is finally starting to come into its own as a gaming system.

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